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Q4 Scopus Journals list

Q4 Scopus Journals list

Scopus-Indexed Q4 Journals


Scopus, Elsevier’s comprehensive abstract and citation database, was launched in 2004 and currently indexes 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers worldwide. It is widely recognized as a leading source for high-quality, peer-reviewed research publications across various disciplines.

Journals indexed in Scopus are categorized into four quartiles based on their impact and citation metrics:

  • Q1 – Top 25% of journals (highest impact)
  • Q2 – Journals ranked between 25% and 50%
  • Q3 – Journals ranked between 50% and 75%
  • Q4 – Bottom 25% of indexed journals

Q4 journals are considered emerging or niche publications that still meet Scopus’s rigorous indexing criteria but have relatively lower citation scores compared to higher-tier quartiles.

List of Scopus-Indexed Q4 Journals

Below is a selection of the first 30 journals from the Q4 category. A complete list of Q4 Scopus-indexed journals is available for download.

S. No.
Title CiteScore 
1 Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 3.9
2 Molecular and Cellular Probes 3.0
3 Methods in Cell Biology 2.8
4 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologyOpen Access 2.7
5 Chemosensory Perception 2.5
6 Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 2.5
7 Journal of Smooth Muscle ResearchOpen Access 2.5
8 Stem Cell ResearchOpen Access 2.4
9 Archives Italiennes de Biologie 2.3
10 Current Protocols in Cell Biology 2.3
11 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 2.2
12 Genetical ResearchOpen Access 2.2
13 IBRO Neuroscience ReportsOpen Access 2.2
14 Methods in Molecular BiologyOpen Access 2.2
15 Molecular Syndromology 2.2
16 Atomic SpectroscopyOpen Access 2.1
17 Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis 2.1
18 Genetics and Molecular Research 2.1
19 International Journal of Immunogenetics 2.1
20 Journal of Molecular Catalysis 2.0
21 Molecular and Cellular Oncology 2.0
22 Molecular Biology Research Communications 2.0
23 Molecular genetics & genomic medicine open Access 2.0
24 Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyOpen Access 1.9
25 Journal of Parasitic Diseases 1.9
26 Magnesium Research 1.9
27 Medical Journal of Cell Biology 1.9
28 Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1.8
29 Journal of Genetics 1.8
30 Molecular Biology Reports 1.8

List of Q4 journals

For researchers and scholars looking to publish their work, Q4 journals offer a valuable platform for disseminating research findings while contributing to academic and scientific advancements.


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