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How to publish a paper in IEEE Conference?


To publish research paper in a peer reviewed journal requires a lot of hard work. Besides it, you also need to be little bit tricky.

If you want your paper get published in IEEE journals, it has more chances for acceptance if you send the paper in IEEE Conference.

So, steps are:

  1. Search for an IEEE sponsored conference in your area.
  2. Write down your research work. Introduction section should be improved. The sections and paragraphs must be properly written. There should be a flow to writing the Introduction section from the beginning of the problem to your work. Consisting of what is the back ground of the problem, properly explain the literature survey. It should be clearly explain in the introduction section. Authors should also include the latest paper in the introduction section and also discuss about what is the advantage and disadvantage of that papers. The contributions should be properly highlighted in the introduction sections.
  3. Put it in IEEE format and send it to for review. (Note on thing, the Plagiarism should not be exceeded 20%.)
  4. After selection, pay the fees
  5. Present the paper in the conference.
  6. And after some time, it will get appeared on IEEE Proceedings.

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