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Sopus indexed journals List K

Scopus indexed journals
Scopus indexed journals

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The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.

Below is The Collection of All  Journals, by ISSN and Title, as ranked by Scopus.
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P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE                                        
1613-0723 :  0022-7498 :  Kadmos
1521-2300 :  1854-9373 :  Kairos
2180-4273 :  0127-4082 :  Kajian Malaysia
1868-4602 :  1868-4599 :  Kant Yearbook
1613-1134 :  0022-8877 :  Kant-Studien
2163-1611 :  0022-8958 :  Kappa Delta Pi Record

2336-2898 :  1212-4540 :  Kardiologicka Revue
2414-2131 :  2072-912X :  Kardiologija v Belarusi
1662-629X :  1423-5528 :  Kardiovaskulare Medizin
1812-2078 :  1812-2027 :  Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ)
1985-8353 :  1394-9330 :  Kemanusiaan
1825-263X :  0000-0000 :  Kervan
1029-5143 :  1029-5151 :  Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya
1423-0143 :  1420-4096 :  Kidney and Blood Pressure Research
1523-1755 :  0085-2538 :  Kidney International
2157-1716 :  2157-1724 :  Kidney International Supplements
2211-9140 :  2211-9132 :  Kidney Research and Clinical Practice
1934-8401 :  0884-5913 :  Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
2161-6035 :  2163-0453 :  Kinesiology Review
2213-1566 :  1779-0123 :  Kinesitherapie
1937-5077 :  1937-5093 :  Kinetic and Related Models
1608-3210 :  0023-1584 :  Kinetics and Catalysis
2196-808X :  0932-9951 :  Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte
2570-9402 :  1210-7921 :  Klinicka Biochemie a Metabolismus
1803-5353 :  1212-7973 :  Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie
1802-5307 :  0862-495X :  Klinicka Onkologie
2146-7153 :  1302-0099 :  Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi
1302-9657 :  1017-7833 :  Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni
1439-3859 :  0341-2350 :  Klinikarzt
1439-3999 :  0023-2165 :  Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde
1439-4081 :  1434-0275 :  Klinische Neurophysiologie
1439-3824 :  0300-8630 :  Klinische Padiatrie
1433-7347 :  0942-2056 :  Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
1099-1441 :  1092-4604 :  Knowledge and Process Management
2375-6527 :  2327-5731 :  Knowledge Cultures
1469-8005 :  0269-8889 :  Knowledge Engineering Review
2327-9249 :  2327-7998 :  Knowledge Management
1477-8246 :  1477-8238 :  Knowledge Management Research and Practice
1881-5472 :  0386-5991 :  Kodai Mathematical Journal
2071-0771 :  0075-6458 :  Koedoe
2304-8557 :  0000-0000 :  Koers
2063-7330 :  0000-0000 :  KOME
2187-5537 :  0288-4534 :  KONA Powder and Particle Journal
1804-7122 :  1212-4117 :  Kontakt
2233-9558 :  0304-128X :  Korean Chemical Engineering Research
1738-5555 :  1738-5520 :  Korean Circulation Journal
2288-338X :  1225-4886 :  Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
2005-7563 :  2005-6419 :  Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2092-6715 :  2005-6443 :  Korean Journal of Family Medicine
2287-7428 :  1738-7248 :  Korean Journal of Food Preservation
2005-7288 :  2005-727X :  Korean journal of medical education
2093-5609 :  1225-505X :  Korean Journal of Medical History
2005-372X :  1225-5610 :  Korean Journal of Orthodontics
2093-0569 :  2005-9159 :  Korean Journal of Pain
1738-0006 :  0023-4001 :  Korean Journal of Parasitology
2092-7258 :  1738-1061 :  Korean Journal of Pediatrics
2005-8330 :  1229-6929 :  Korean Journal of Radiology
2093-6516 :  2233-601X :  Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
1529-1529 :  0145-840X :  Korean Studies
1804-1213 :  0000-0000 :  Koroze a Ochrana Materialu
1875-7103 :  0168-275X :  Krisis
1981-5336 :  0100-512X :  Kriterion
1538-5000 :  1531-023X :  Kritika
1656-152X :  2094-6937 :  Kritika Kultura
1568-5241 :  1567-715X :  KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time
1976-3808 :  1226-7988 :  KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
2051-4891 :  2051-4883 :  Kurdish Studies
2307-4116 :  2307-4108 :  Kuwait Journal of Science
1805-949X :  0023-5954 :  Kybernetika
1467-6435 :  0023-5962 :  Kyklos
1883-2032 :  1340-6116 :  Kyushu Journal of Mathematics

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