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Sopus indexed journals List E

Sopus indexed journals List E

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Below is The Collection of All  Journals, by ISSN and Title, as ranked by Scopus.
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P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE                                        
2336-5064 :  1212-3609 :  E a M: Ekonomie a Management
2032-944X :  0000-0000 :  EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web
1538-4667 :  0196-0202 :  Ear and Hearing
1534-147X :  0012-8163 :  Early American Literature
1476-8275 :  0300-4430 :  Early Child Development and Care
2325-2324 :  0362-5028 :  Early China
1946-7842 :  1529-9104 :  Early Medieval China
1468-0254 :  0963-9462 :  Early Medieval Europe
2056-3043 :  2056-3035 :  Early Modern French Studies
1741-7260 :  0306-1078 :  Early Music

1474-0559 :  0261-1279 :  Early Music History
1573-3823 :  1383-7427 :  Early Science and Medicine
1472-4421 :  0957-5146 :  Early Years
1729-3782 :  0000-0000 :  EARSeL eProceedings
1385-013X :  0012-821X :  Earth and Planetary Science Letters
2333-5084 :  0000-0000 :  Earth and Space Science
2196-632X :  2196-6311 :  Earth Surface Dynamics
2190-4987 :  2190-4979 :  Earth System Dynamics
1866-3516 :  1866-3508 :  Earth System Science Data
1573-0794 :  0167-9295 :  Earth, Moon and Planets
1880-5981 :  1343-8832 :  Earth, Planets and Space
1993-503X :  1671-3664 :  Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
1096-9845 :  0098-8847 :  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
2079-7370 :  2079-7362 :  East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics
2210-6286 :  2210-6278 :  East Asian Publishing and Society
1875-2152 :  1875-2160 :  East Asian Science, Technology and Society
1743-971X :  1350-1674 :  East European Jewish Affairs
2159-9173 :  2159-9165 :  East European Politics
1939-4632 :  0094-5056 :  Eastern Economic Journal
2068-6633 :  2068-651X :  Eastern Journal of European Studies
1309-3886 :  1301-0883 :  Eastern Journal of Medicine
1729-4061 :  1729-3774 :  EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies
1590-1262 :  1124-4909 :  Eating and Weight Disorders
1532-530X :  1064-0266 :  Eating Disorders
2352-3964 :  0000-0000 :  EBioMedicine
1875-8363 :  0928-2750 :  EC Tax Review
1754-6605 :  0000-0000 :  ecancermedicalscience
1751-8539 :  0956-618X :  Ecclesiastical Law Journal
2055-0464 :  0000-0000 :  Echo Research and Practice
1540-8175 :  0742-2822 :  Echocardiography
2073-1558 :  2073-106X :  Eco.mont
1936-0592 :  1936-0584 :  Ecohydrology
1667-782X :  0327-5477 :  Ecologia Austral
1313-9940 :  1314-0213 :  Ecologia Balkanica
1775-4100 :  0153-8756 :  Ecologia Mediterranea
2336-9744 :  2337-0173 :  Ecologica Montenegrina
2411-9202 :  1811-0932 :  Ecological Genetics
2405-9854 :  0000-0000 :  Ecological Genetics and Genomics
2192-1709 :  0000-0000 :  Ecological Processes
1532-6969 :  1040-7413 :  Ecological Psychology
2083-5469 :  1644-7298 :  Ecological Questions
1543-4079 :  1543-4060 :  Ecological Restoration
1882-5974 :  1344-3755 :  Ecology and Civil Engineering
2413-6042 :  1816-0395 :  Ecology and Industry of Russia
1461-0248 :  1461-023X :  Ecology Letters
1543-5237 :  0367-0244 :  Ecology of Food and Nutrition
1532-4168 :  0747-4938 :  Econometric Reviews
1469-4360 :  0266-4666 :  Econometric Theory
1468-0262 :  0012-9682 :  Econometrica
2452-3062 :  0000-0000 :  Econometrics and Statistics
1972-4802 :  1126-1668 :  Economia Agro-Alimentare
1980-5330 :  1413-8050 :  Economia Aplicada
1972-4977 :  0391-2078 :  Economia e Politica Industriale
1468-0270 :  0265-0665 :  Economic Affairs
0313-5926 :  0000-0000 :  Economic Analysis and Policy
2288-7962 :  1225-7281 :  Economic and Environmental Geology
1728-6239 :  1728-6220 :  Economic Annals-XXI
1574-0277 :  1573-9414 :  Economic Change and Restructuring
1539-2988 :  0013-0079 :  Economic Development and Cultural Change
1554-0774 :  0361-0128 :  Economic Geology
1468-0289 :  0013-0117 :  Economic History Review
1465-7295 :  0095-2583 :  Economic Inquiry
1468-0297 :  0013-0133 :  Economic Journal
1468-0300 :  0391-5026 :  Economic Notes
1468-0319 :  0140-489X :  Economic Outlook
1759-3441 :  0812-0439 :  Economic Papers
1468-0327 :  0266-4658 :  Economic Policy
1475-4932 :  0013-0249 :  Economic Record
1469-5758 :  0953-5314 :  Economic Systems Research
1432-0479 :  0938-2259 :  Economic Theory
2049-3509 :  2055-6314 :  Economic Thought
1468-0335 :  0013-0427 :  Economica
1864-6042 :  0000-0000 :  Economics
2254-4380 :  0000-0000 :  Economics and Business Letters
1474-0028 :  0266-2671 :  Economics and Philosophy
2280-7667 :  2280-7659 :  Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
1468-0343 :  0954-1985 :  Economics and Politics
2306-3459 :  2071-789X :  Economics and Sociology
2160-5890 :  2160-5882 :  Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy
1435-8131 :  1435-6104 :  Economics of Governance
1476-8364 :  1043-8599 :  Economics of Innovation and New Technology
1468-0351 :  0967-0750 :  Economics of Transition
1777-5795 :  0249-4744 :  Economie et Prevision
1469-5766 :  0308-5147 :  Economy and Society
2324-6200 :  0000-0000 :  EcoSal Plus
1697-2473 :  0000-0000 :  Ecosistemas
2150-8925 :  0000-0000 :  Ecosphere
1435-0629 :  1432-9840 :  Ecosystems
1573-3017 :  0963-9292 :  Ecotoxicology
1090-2414 :  0147-6513 :  Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
2162-8777 :  2162-8769 :  ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
1938-6737 :  1938-5862 :  ECS Transactions
2530-6448 :  0000-0000 :  Edad Media
2166-2932 :  2150-0428 :  Edgar Allan Poe Review
1474-0036 :  0960-4286 :  Edinburgh Journal of Botany
2448-8089 :  0187-8298 :  Educacion Matematica
1870-8404 :  0187-893X :  Educacion Quimica
1475-7575 :  0300-4279 :  Education 3-13
1469-5782 :  0964-5292 :  Education Economics
1782-1428 :  1373-847X :  Education et Societes
1557-3079 :  1557-3060 :  Education Finance and Policy
1469-5804 :  1357-6283 :  Education for Health
1475-990X :  1473-9879 :  Education for Primary Care
1539-9664 :  1539-9672 :  Education Next
2100-0816 :  2100-0808 :  Education Therapeutique du Patient
1746-1987 :  1746-1979 :  Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
1747-5074 :  0965-0792 :  Educational Action Research
2059-0784 :  2059-0776 :  Educational and Developmental Psychologist
1532-6977 :  1062-7197 :  Educational Assessment
1938-8098 :  0013-1725 :  Educational Forum
1521-0472 :  0360-1277 :  Educational Gerontology
1741-1440 :  1741-1432 :  Educational Management Administration and Leadership
1745-3992 :  0731-1745 :  Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
1469-5790 :  0952-3987 :  Educational Media International
1532-6985 :  0046-1520 :  Educational Psychologist
1469-5820 :  0144-3410 :  Educational Psychology
1573-336X :  1040-726X :  Educational Psychology Review
1469-5847 :  0013-1881 :  Educational Research
1465-3397 :  0013-1911 :  Educational Review
1465-3400 :  0305-5698 :  Educational Studies
1573-0816 :  0013-1954 :  Educational Studies in Mathematics
2228-1665 :  0235-8026 :  Eesti Arst
2228-1339 :  1736-8987 :  Eesti ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri
2254-6103 :  1133-6137 :  EGA Revista de Expression Grafica Arquitectonica
2536-9814 :  1110-6131 :  Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
2090-3278 :  1687-4285 :  Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
2090-3405 :  2090-0740 :  Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences
2090-5939 :  2090-536X :  Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences
1687-8329 :  1110-1083 :  Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery
2090-2468 :  1110-0621 :  Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
2090-6226 :  2090-6218 :  Egyptian Liver Journal
2011-7477 :  1692-8857 :  Eidos
1935-0201 :  0193-5380 :  Eighteenth Century
1086-315X :  0013-2586 :  Eighteenth Century Studies
1478-5714 :  1478-5706 :  Eighteenth-Century Music
2084-4840 :  1897-7979 :  E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
2197-7364 :  0000-0000 :  EJNMMI Physics
2405-6553 :  0000-0000 :  EJVES Short Reports
1337-947X :  1335-342X :  Ekologia Bratislava
2411-2658 :  1994-5124 :  Ekonomicheskaya Politika
1726-3247 :  0000-0000 :  Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologiya
1557-8062 :  1533-1296 :  Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy
1520-6416 :  0424-7760 :  Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)
1521-4109 :  1040-0397 :  Electroanalysis
1868-5994 :  1868-2529 :  Electrocatalysis
1536-8386 :  1536-8378 :  Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
1532-527X :  0272-6343 :  Electromagnetics
1863-2122 :  0000-0000 :  Electronic Communications of the EASST
1740-7508 :  1740-7494 :  Electronic Government
1077-8926 :  1097-1440 :  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
1550-6150 :  1072-6691 :  Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
2516-3507 :  0000-0000 :  Electronic Journal of General Medicine
1403-6835 :  1400-6529 :  Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction
0975-928X :  0000-0000 :  Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding
1696-2095 :  1699-5880 :  Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
1097-4067 :  1068-9613 :  Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
2079-9292 :  0000-0000 :  Electronics (Switzerland)
1350-911X :  0013-5194 :  Electronics Letters
1522-2683 :  0173-0835 :  Electrophoresis
2325-1026 :  0000-0000 :  Elementa
2037-7177 :  0392-7342 :  Elenchos
1080-6547 :  0013-8304 :  ELH - English Literary History
2386-0316 :  1581-8918 :  ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries
1477-4526 :  0951-0893 :  ELT Journal
1742-6723 :  1742-6731 :  EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia
1460-2075 :  0261-4189 :  EMBO Journal
1757-4684 :  1757-4676 :  EMBO Molecular Medicine
1469-3178 :  1469-221X :  EMBO Reports
2345-4563 :  2345-4571 :  Emergency
2090-2859 :  2090-2840 :  Emergency Medicine International
1472-0213 :  1472-0205 :  Emergency Medicine Journal
1559-3908 :  1524-1971 :  Emergency medicine practice
1438-1435 :  1070-3004 :  Emergency Radiology
2167-6984 :  2167-6968 :  Emerging Adulthood
2405-6642 :  2405-6650 :  Emerging Contaminants
1080-6059 :  1080-6040 :  Emerging Infectious Diseases
2046-0155 :  2046-0147 :  Emerging Materials Research
2079-0538 :  2079-052X :  Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
2199-3637 :  2199-3629 :  Emission Control Science and Technology
1878-0040 :  1755-4586 :  Emotion, Space and Society
1573-6911 :  0340-8744 :  Empirica
1435-8921 :  0377-7332 :  Empirical Economics
1877-6345 :  1877-6337 :  Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
1573-7616 :  1382-3256 :  Empirical Software Engineering
1946-9365 :  1946-4967 :  EMS world
1825-8670 :  1590-492X :  Encyclopaideia
1613-4796 :  1863-5407 :  Endangered Species Research
1559-0100 :  1355-008X :  Endocrine
2049-3614 :  0000-0000 :  Endocrine Connections
1348-4540 :  0918-8959 :  Endocrine Journal
1336-0329 :  1210-0668 :  Endocrine Regulations
1532-4206 :  0743-5800 :  Endocrine Research
2093-5978 :  2093-596X :  Endocrinology and Metabolism
2052-0573 :  0000-0000 :  Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports
2300-4266 :  0000-0000 :  Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Diseases
2226-7190 :  2303-9027 :  Endoscopic Ultrasound
1438-8812 :  0013-726X :  Endoscopy
2196-9736 :  2364-3722 :  Endoscopy International Open
2174-5676 :  1133-5351 :  Endoxa
2414-0341 :  1029-7448 :  Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations
1520-5029 :  0887-0624 :  Energy & Fuels
1873-6181 :  0140-9883 :  Energy Economics
1570-6478 :  1570-646X :  Energy Efficiency
2214-6296 :  0000-0000 :  Energy Research and Social Science
2050-0505 :  0000-0000 :  Energy Science and Engineering
1556-7230 :  1556-7036 :  Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
2405-8297 :  0000-0000 :  Energy Storage Materials
1868-3975 :  1868-3967 :  Energy Systems
2194-4296 :  2194-4288 :  Energy Technology
2192-0567 :  0000-0000 :  Energy, Sustainability and Society
2373-2822 :  0000-0000 :  eNeuro
2405-6502 :  0000-0000 :  eNeurologicalSci
1776-2820 :  1286-5559 :  Enfances et Psy
1578-1852 :  0213-005X :  Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica
1579-2013 :  1130-8621 :  Enfermeria Clinica
1578-1291 :  1130-2399 :  Enfermeria intensiva / Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias
2255-3517 :  2254-2884 :  Enfermeria Nefrologica
2539-6218 :  2539-6161 :  Engineering and Applied Science Research
1997-003X :  1994-2060 :  Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
1618-2863 :  1618-0240 :  Engineering in Life Sciences
0125-8281 :  0000-0000 :  Engineering Journal
1816-0948 :  1816-093X :  Engineering Letters
1029-0273 :  0305-215X :  Engineering Optimization
2215-0986 :  0000-0000 :  Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
2450-8071 :  0867-888X :  Engineering Transactions
1435-5663 :  0177-0667 :  Engineering with Computers
1365-232X :  0969-9988 :  Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
2202-6169 :  1444-4496 :  English Australia Journal
1477-4534 :  0013-8266 :  English Historical Review
1754-8845 :  0425-0494 :  English in Education
1469-4379 :  1360-6743 :  English Language and Linguistics
1475-6757 :  0013-8312 :  English Literary Renaissance
1559-2715 :  0013-8339 :  English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920
1744-4217 :  0013-838X :  English Studies
1874-8775 :  1874-8767 :  English Text Construction
1467-2235 :  1467-2227 :  Enterprise and Society
1755-1986 :  1755-1978 :  Enterprise Development and Microfinance
1751-7583 :  1751-7575 :  Enterprise Information Systems
1947-5144 :  1947-5136 :  Entomologica Americana
1738-2297 :  1748-5967 :  Entomological Research
2353-8821 :  2353-883X :  Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review
1464-5114 :  0898-5626 :  Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
2345-0282 :  0000-0000 :  Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
2157-5665 :  2194-6175 :  Entrepreneurship Research Journal
1469-4395 :  1355-770X :  Environment and Development Economics
2408-2384 :  1686-5456 :  Environment and Natural Resources Journal
2399-6552 :  2399-6544 :  Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
2150-6787 :  2150-6779 :  Environment and Society: Advances in Research
0976-3546 :  0975-4253 :  Environment and Urbanization ASIA
2194-5411 :  2194-5403 :  Environment Systems & Decisions
1573-2975 :  1387-585X :  Environment, Development and Sustainability
1573-3009 :  1352-8505 :  Environmental and Ecological Statistics
1573-5133 :  0378-1909 :  Environmental Biology of Fishes
1547-657X :  1040-6026 :  Environmental Claims Journal
1469-4387 :  0376-8929 :  Environmental Conservation
1883-0986 :  1880-554X :  Environmental Control in Biology
1350-4622 :  1469-5871 :  Environmental Education Research
2005-968X :  1226-1025 :  Environmental Engineering Research
2047-2382 :  0000-0000 :  Environmental Evidence
1573-1510 :  1567-7419 :  Environmental Fluid Mechanics
1527-5930 :  1527-5922 :  Environmental Forensics
1573-2983 :  0269-4042 :  Environmental Geochemistry and Health
1526-0984 :  1075-9565 :  Environmental Geosciences
2051-803X :  0000-0000 :  Environmental Geotechnics
1347-4715 :  1342-078X :  Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
1937-5174 :  1939-4071 :  Environmental Justice
1432-1009 :  0364-152X :  Environmental Management
1462-2920 :  1462-2912 :  Environmental Microbiology
1573-2967 :  1420-2026 :  Environmental Modeling and Assessment
1573-2959 :  0167-6369 :  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2215-1532 :  0000-0000 :  Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management
1873-6424 :  0269-7491 :  Environmental Pollution
2198-7505 :  2198-7491 :  Environmental Processes
1096-0953 :  0013-9351 :  Environmental Research
2029-2139 :  1392-1649 :  Environmental Research, Engineering and Management
1208-6053 :  1181-8700 :  Environmental Reviews
1520-5851 :  0013-936X :  Environmental Science & Technology
2051-8161 :  2051-8153 :  Environmental Science: Nano
2053-1419 :  2053-1400 :  Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology
2190-4715 :  2190-4707 :  Environmental Sciences Europe
2050-7895 :  2050-7887 :  Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts
2325-1042 :  0000-0000 :  Environmental Sociology
1522-7278 :  1520-4081 :  Environmental Toxicology
1099-095X :  1180-4009 :  Environmetrics
2090-0414 :  2090-0406 :  Enzyme Research
2324-9250 :  0096-3941 :  Eos
1783-1423 :  0013-9513 :  Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
1478-6729 :  0193-936X :  Epidemiologic Reviews
1805-451X :  1210-7913 :  Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie
1531-5487 :  1044-3983 :  Epidemiology
2092-7193 :  0000-0000 :  Epidemiology and health
1469-4409 :  0950-2688 :  Epidemiology and Infection
2045-7979 :  2045-7960 :  Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
2282-0930 :  2282-2305 :  Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
2090-2980 :  2090-2972 :  Epidemiology Research International
1559-2308 :  1559-2294 :  Epigenetics
1750-192X :  1750-1911 :  Epigenomics
1528-1167 :  0013-9580 :  Epilepsia
1525-5069 :  1525-5050 :  Epilepsy and Behavior
2213-3232 :  0000-0000 :  Epilepsy and Behavior Case Reports
1535-7511 :  1535-7597 :  Epilepsy Currents
2090-1356 :  2090-1348 :  Epilepsy Research and Treatment
1750-0117 :  1742-3600 :  Episteme
2311-7133 :  1811-833X :  Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
1588-2764 :  0013-9661 :  Epites-Epiteszettudomany
1286-0050 :  1286-0042 :  EPJ Applied Physics
2193-1127 :  0000-0000 :  EPJ Data Science
1878-5085 :  1878-5077 :  EPMA Journal
1365-2338 :  0250-8052 :  EPPO Bulletin
1758-7093 :  2040-7149 :  Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
1863-9038 :  1612-3093 :  ERA Forum
1876-9098 :  0000-0000 :  Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
1874-9275 :  0276-2854 :  Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook
2149-2549 :  2149-2247 :  Erciyes Medical Journal
2282-3212 :  2280-9678 :  Erga-Logoi
1469-4417 :  0143-3857 :  Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
1366-5847 :  0014-0139 :  Ergonomics
2009-0056 :  0332-0758 :  Eriu
2312-0541 :  0000-0000 :  ERJ Open Research
2312-5098 :  2312-508X :  ERS Monograph
1439-0302 :  0014-0309 :  Erwerbs-Obstbau
1262-3377 :  1292-8119 :  ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
1262-3318 :  1292-8100 :  ESAIM - Probability and Statistics
1290-3841 :  0764-583X :  ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
2055-5822 :  0000-0000 :  ESC heart failure
1612-9067 :  1612-9059 :  Esophagus
2334-9050 :  0000-0000 :  ESP Today
2340-1362 :  0214-9745 :  Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie III: Historia Medieval
1981-478X :  1518-4196 :  Espaco Plural
2532-1056 :  1128-9155 :  Esperienze Dermatologiche
1931-0234 :  0014-0767 :  Esprit Createur
1775-352X :  2066-5083 :  ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies
1471-6852 :  0014-0856 :  Essays in Criticism
1736-7484 :  1406-2933 :  Estonian Journal of Archaeology
1096-0015 :  0272-7714 :  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
0718-1043 :  0716-0925 :  Estudios Atacamenos
0718-5200 :  0718-0195 :  Estudios Constitucionales
0718-5286 :  0304-2758 :  Estudios de Economia
2448-5004 :  0185-2620 :  Estudios de Historia Moderna Contemporanea de Mexico
1579-3699 :  0210-9395 :  Estudios de Psicologia
0717-6171 :  0071-1713 :  Estudios Filologicos
1989-614X :  0210-4911 :  Estudios Romanicos
1988-2696 :  1134-1629 :  Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico
2013-9500 :  0211-8572 :  Estudis Romanics
2316-4018 :  1518-0158 :  Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporanea
1982-0275 :  0000-0000 :  Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas)
1980-5357 :  0101-4161 :  Estudos Economicos
1646-4974 :  0000-0000 :  Estudos em Comunicacao
1806-9584 :  0104-026X :  Estudos Feministas
1980-864X :  0101-4064 :  Estudos Ibero-Americanos
2317-773X :  0000-0000 :  Estudos Internacionais
1539-297X :  0014-1704 :  Ethics
1749-6543 :  1749-6535 :  Ethics & Social Welfare
1532-7019 :  1050-8422 :  Ethics and Behavior
2453-7829 :  1338-5615 :  Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe)
1744-9650 :  1744-9642 :  Ethics and Education
1654-6369 :  1654-4951 :  Ethics and Global Politics
1535-5306 :  1085-6633 :  Ethics and the Environment
2352-5525 :  0000-0000 :  Ethics, Medicine and Public Health
2155-0093 :  2155-0085 :  Ethics, Policy and Environmnet
1783-144X :  0778-6069 :  Ethische Perspectieven
1466-4356 :  0141-9870 :  Ethnic and Racial Studies
1741-2706 :  1468-7968 :  Ethnicities
1465-3419 :  1355-7858 :  Ethnicity and Health
1944-2904 :  1944-2890 :  Ethnoarchaeology
2238-4782 :  0000-0000 :  Ethnobiology and Conservation
1741-2714 :  1466-1381 :  Ethnography
1527-5477 :  0014-1801 :  Ethnohistory
1604-3030 :  0425-4597 :  Ethnologia Europaea
1741-1920 :  1741-1912 :  Ethnomusicology Forum
1469-588X :  0014-1844 :  Ethnos
1439-0310 :  0179-1613 :  Ethology
1548-1352 :  0091-2131 :  Ethos
1890-4009 :  1890-3991 :  Etikk i Praksis
2182-2891 :  0873-6561 :  Etnografica
1448-2940 :  0000-0000 :  eTropic
1777-5302 :  1270-9050 :  Etudes Photographiques
2161-4318 :  1040-9483 :  Eugene O'Neill Review
1573-5060 :  0014-2336 :  Euphytica
1305-8223 :  1305-8215 :  Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
2147-4281 :  1309-4297 :  Eurasian Business Review
2147-429X :  1309-422X :  Eurasian Economic Review
2308-9822 :  2306-6172 :  Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
1308-8742 :  1308-8734 :  Eurasian Journal of Medicine
1687-3963 :  1687-3955 :  Eurasip Journal of Embedded Systems
1687-4722 :  1687-4714 :  Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
1687-4153 :  1687-4145 :  Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
1687-5281 :  1687-5176 :  Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing
2510-523X :  1687-4161 :  Eurasip Journal on Information Security
1687-1499 :  1687-1472 :  Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
0717-6236 :  0250-7161 :  Eure
2192-4414 :  2192-4406 :  EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
1532-2092 :  1099-5129 :  Europace
1468-4497 :  0963-8180 :  European Accounting Review
2190-9741 :  2190-9733 :  European Actuarial Journal
1421-9891 :  1022-6877 :  European Addiction Research
1434-4726 :  0937-4477 :  European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
1433-8491 :  0940-1334 :  European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
1432-1017 :  0175-7571 :  European Biophysics Journal
1875-841X :  0959-6941 :  European Business Law Review
1435-165X :  1018-8827 :  European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
1613-2556 :  1613-2548 :  European Company and Financial Law Review
1757-8396 :  1744-1056 :  European Competition Journal
1803-8417 :  0000-0000 :  European Countryside
1952-4005 :  1148-5493 :  European Cytokine Network
1752-1807 :  1350-293X :  European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
1099-0968 :  1072-4133 :  European Eating Disorders Review
1944-7086 :  1056-4934 :  European Education
1468-036X :  1354-7798 :  European Financial Management
2190-8214 :  1862-2720 :  European Food and Feed Law Review
1438-2385 :  1438-2377 :  European Food Research and Technology
1522-9645 :  0195-668X :  European Heart Journal
2055-6845 :  2055-6837 :  European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
2058-1742 :  2058-5225 :  European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes
2047-2412 :  2047-2404 :  European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging
2048-8734 :  2048-8726 :  European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care
1461-7110 :  0265-6914 :  European History Quarterly
1803-3857 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
1613-9380 :  1613-9372 :  European Journal of Ageing
1365-2346 :  0265-0215 :  European Journal of Anaesthesiology
1469-4425 :  0956-7925 :  European Journal of Applied Mathematics
1439-6327 :  1439-6319 :  European Journal of Applied Physiology
1741-2722 :  1461-9571 :  European Journal of Archaeology
1365-2354 :  0961-5423 :  European Journal of Cancer Care
2042-4892 :  2042-4884 :  European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
2284-2594 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
1365-2362 :  0014-2972 :  European Journal of Clinical Investigation
1435-4373 :  0934-9723 :  European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
1432-1041 :  0031-6970 :  European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
1095-9971 :  0195-6698 :  European Journal of Combinatorics
2305-6746 :  2304-9650 :  European Journal of Contemporary Education
1473-0782 :  1362-5187 :  European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care
1571-8174 :  0928-9569 :  European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
2325-4815 :  2325-4823 :  European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology
1600-0579 :  1396-5883 :  European Journal of Dental Education
1305-7464 :  1305-7456 :  European Journal of Dentistry
1740-5610 :  1740-5629 :  European Journal of Developmental Psychology
2052-7772 :  2052-7764 :  European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention
1469-5898 :  0304-3797 :  European Journal of Engineering Education
1802-8829 :  1210-5759 :  European Journal of Entomology
2116-7214 :  1964-8189 :  European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
2336-1964 :  1805-0174 :  European Journal of Environmental Sciences
1573-7284 :  0393-2990 :  European Journal of Epidemiology
1466-4364 :  1351-847X :  European Journal of Finance
1612-4677 :  1612-4669 :  European Journal of Forest Research
2195-2248 :  2195-4194 :  European Journal of Futures Research
2320-4753 :  2278-9626 :  European Journal of General Dentistry
2410-7433 :  1792-1341 :  European Journal of Geography
2254-7088 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Government and Economics
1600-0609 :  0902-4441 :  European Journal of Haematology
1439-6637 :  1618-7598 :  European Journal of Health Economics
1571-8093 :  0929-0273 :  European Journal of Health Law
2156-8243 :  2156-8235 :  European Journal of Higher Education
2047-9964 :  2047-9956 :  European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice
2307-700X :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Humour Research
1521-4141 :  0014-2980 :  European Journal of Immunology
1476-9344 :  0960-085X :  European Journal of Information Systems
1751-6765 :  1751-6757 :  European Journal of International Management
1757-6830 :  1757-6822 :  European Journal of Language Policy
1572-9990 :  0929-1261 :  European Journal of Law and Economics
1973-2937 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Legal Studies
1438-9312 :  1438-7697 :  European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
2199-6768 :  2199-675X :  European Journal of Mathematics
2047-783X :  0949-2321 :  European Journal of Medical Research
1571-8166 :  1388-364X :  European Journal of Migration and Law
2515-8260 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
1468-1331 :  1351-5101 :  European Journal of Neurology
1460-9568 :  0953-816X :  European Journal of Neuroscience
1619-7089 :  1619-7070 :  European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
1436-6215 :  1436-6207 :  European Journal of Nutrition
2032-7072 :  1783-3914 :  European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy
1756-2414 :  1756-2406 :  European journal of oral implantology
1600-0722 :  0909-8836 :  European Journal of Oral Sciences
1460-2210 :  0141-5387 :  European Journal of Orthodontics
1432-1068 :  0948-4817 :  European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
1479-0793 :  1352-2779 :  European Journal of Palliative Care
1432-1076 :  0340-6199 :  European Journal of Pediatrics
1099-0984 :  0890-2070 :  European Journal of Personality
1973-9095 :  1973-9087 :  European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
2167-9177 :  2167-9169 :  European Journal of Physiotherapy
1573-8469 :  0929-1873 :  European Journal of Plant Pathology
1435-0130 :  0930-343X :  European Journal of Plastic Surgery
1475-6765 :  0304-4130 :  European Journal of Political Research
1741-2730 :  1474-8851 :  European Journal of Political Theory
1572-9885 :  0168-6577 :  European Journal of Population
2047-4881 :  2047-4873 :  European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
1989-4007 :  1889-1861 :  European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
1469-5901 :  1364-2537 :  European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling
2000-8066 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Psychotraumatology
1464-360X :  1101-1262 :  European Journal of Public Health
2352-0477 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Radiology Open
2279-7254 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Remote Sensing
2191-9402 :  2191-9399 :  European Journal of Scandinavian Studies
1842-8517 :  1841-0464 :  European Journal of Science and Theology
1099-0992 :  0046-2772 :  European Journal of Social Psychology
1469-591X :  0885-6257 :  European Journal of Special Needs Education
2118-9773 :  0000-0000 :  European Journal of Taxonomy
1469-5928 :  0261-9768 :  European Journal of Teacher Education
1469-5936 :  0967-2567 :  European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1314-0817 :  1994-7658 :  European Journal of Tourism Research
1532-2165 :  1078-5884 :  European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
1875-7340 :  0923-9855 :  European Joyce Studies
1752-2323 :  0014-3006 :  European Judaism
1468-0386 :  1351-5993 :  European Law Journal
1470-1316 :  1084-8770 :  European Legacy
1740-4762 :  1740-4754 :  European Management Review
2031-0064 :  1378-2274 :  European Medieval Drama
1421-9913 :  0014-3022 :  European Neurology
2453-6725 :  0000-0000 :  European Pharmaceutical Journal
1741-2749 :  1356-336X :  European Physical Education Review
1434-601X :  1434-6001 :  European Physical Journal A
1434-6036 :  1434-6028 :  European Physical Journal B
1434-6052 :  1434-6044 :  European Physical Journal C
1292-895X :  1292-8941 :  European Physical Journal E
1951-6401 :  1951-6355 :  European Physical Journal: Special Topics
1469-5944 :  0965-4313 :  European Planning Studies
1682-0983 :  1680-4333 :  European Political Science
1755-7747 :  1755-7739 :  European Political Science Review
2374-5126 :  2374-5118 :  European Politics and Society
1875-8207 :  1354-3725 :  European Public Law
1432-1084 :  0938-7994 :  European Radiology
1399-3003 :  0903-1936 :  European Respiratory Journal
1600-0617 :  0905-9180 :  European Respiratory Review
1474-0575 :  1062-7987 :  European Review
1464-3618 :  0165-1587 :  European Review of Agricultural Economics
1474-0044 :  1361-4916 :  European Review of Economic History
1469-8293 :  1350-7486 :  European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire
1861-6909 :  1813-7253 :  European Reviews of Aging and Physical Activity
1740-4657 :  1050-9585 :  European Romantic Review
1469-8307 :  1461-6696 :  European Societies
1468-2672 :  0266-7215 :  European Sociological Review
1896-1525 :  1231-1952 :  European Spatial Research and Policy
1432-0932 :  0940-6719 :  European Spine Journal
1746-031X :  1618-4742 :  European Sport Management Quarterly
2396-9881 :  2396-9873 :  European Stroke Journal
1421-9921 :  0014-312X :  European Surgical Research
2235-0802 :  2235-0640 :  European Thyroid Journal
1866-8887 :  1867-0717 :  European Transport Research Review
1421-993X :  0302-2838 :  European Urology
2475-0263 :  0000-0000 :  European Zoological Journal
1465-3427 :  0966-8136 :  Europe-Asia Studies
1286-4854 :  0295-5075 :  Europhysics Letters
1432-1092 :  0531-7479 :  Europhysics News
1560-7917 :  1025-496X :  Eurosurveillance
1461-7153 :  1356-3890 :  Evaluation
2008-370X :  2008-2487 :  Evidence Based Care Journal
1748-9547 :  1748-9539 :  Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
1741-4288 :  1741-427X :  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
1476-5446 :  1462-0049 :  Evidence-based dentistry
2049-3991 :  0000-0000 :  Evidence-based HRM
1473-6810 :  1356-5524 :  Evidence-Based Medicine
1468-9618 :  1367-6539 :  Evidence-based nursing
1525-142X :  1520-541X :  Evolution and Development
2163-2480 :  0000-0000 :  Evolution Equations and Control Theory
2050-6201 :  0000-0000 :  Evolution, Medicine and Public Health
1520-6505 :  1060-1538 :  Evolutionary Anthropology
1752-4571 :  1752-4563 :  Evolutionary Applications
2330-2933 :  2330-2925 :  Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
1530-9304 :  1063-6560 :  Evolutionary Computation
1573-8477 :  0269-7653 :  Evolutionary Ecology
1532-7035 :  0936-2835 :  Exceptionality
1572-543X :  0166-2740 :  Exchange
1753-3074 :  1041-2573 :  Exemplaria
1538-3008 :  0091-6331 :  Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
2409-7306 :  1024-7033 :  Existenzanalyse
2211-730X :  1084-4945 :  Experiment
1096-4657 :  0361-073X :  Experimental Aging Research
1469-4441 :  0014-4797 :  Experimental Agriculture
1572-9702 :  0168-8162 :  Experimental and Applied Acarology
2092-6413 :  1226-3613 :  Experimental and Molecular Medicine
1096-0945 :  0014-4800 :  Experimental and Molecular Pathology
1792-1015 :  1792-0981 :  Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
1881-7122 :  1341-1357 :  Experimental Animals
1572-9508 :  0922-6435 :  Experimental Astronomy
1535-3699 :  1535-3702 :  Experimental Biology and Medicine
1432-1106 :  0014-4819 :  Experimental Brain Research
1090-2422 :  0014-4827 :  Experimental Cell Research
1600-0625 :  0906-6705 :  Experimental Dermatology
1573-6938 :  1386-4157 :  Experimental Economics
1096-0007 :  0014-4835 :  Experimental Eye Research
1521-0480 :  0891-6152 :  Experimental Heat Transfer
2162-3619 :  0000-0000 :  Experimental Hematology and Oncology
1521-0499 :  0190-2148 :  Experimental Lung Research
2093-8144 :  1226-2560 :  Experimental Neurobiology
1090-2430 :  0014-4886 :  Experimental Neurology
1090-2449 :  0014-4894 :  Experimental Parasitology
1469-445X :  0958-0670 :  Experimental Physiology
1432-1114 :  0723-4864 :  Experiments in Fluids
1746-045X :  1746-0441 :  Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
1744-7623 :  1472-8214 :  Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs
1744-8409 :  1744-666X :  Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
1747-4132 :  1747-4124 :  Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2380-8993 :  0000-0000 :  Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development
1744-8387 :  1478-9450 :  Expert Review of Proteomics
1468-0394 :  0266-4720 :  Expert Systems
1939-926X :  0014-4940 :  Explicator
1834-7533 :  0812-3985 :  Exploration Geophysics
2319-247X :  2277-470X :  Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
1878-7541 :  1550-8307 :  Explore
2451-9685 :  2451-9766 :  Exposure and Health
2214-790X :  0000-0000 :  Extractive Industries and Society
2046-7648 :  0000-0000 :  Extreme Physiology and Medicine
1433-4909 :  1431-0651 :  Extremophiles
1476-5454 :  0950-222X :  Eye
1179-2744 :  0000-0000 :  Eye and Brain
1542-233X :  1542-2321 :  Eye Contact Lens


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