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Jeffrey Beall: Advocate Against Predatory Publishing

Jeffrey Beall: Advocate Against Predatory Publishing


Jeffrey Beall: Advocate Against Predatory Publishing

Jeffrey Beall is an American librarian and researcher, widely recognized for his critical stance on predatory open-access publishing, a term he coined. He is best known for creating the controversial "Beall's List," a resource that identified potentially predatory open-access publishers and journals. His efforts have brought significant attention to the issue of unethical practices within the open-access publishing model.

Career and Background

  • Beall worked as an academic librarian at the University of Colorado Denver when he first created Beall's List.
  • He later served as a librarian at the Auraria Library in Denver until March 2018.
  • His critical views on open-access publishing have been featured on his blog, Scholarly Open Access, and he has written extensively on the topic in various publications, including The Charleston Advisor, Nature, and Learned Publishing.

Beall's List

  • Beall's List aimed to identify publishers and journals that were potentially predatory, exploiting the open-access model for profit. These publishers often charged high publication fees without offering proper editorial services, peer review, or quality control.
  • The list served as a cautionary tool for researchers, particularly those new to academic publishing, warning them about publishers that might engage in unethical practices such as aggressive solicitations, fake impact factors, and a lack of transparency.

Impact and Controversy

  • Jeffrey Beall's work had a profound impact on the academic community, raising awareness about the risks of predatory publishing and encouraging more careful consideration of where to publish research.
  • However, Beall's List was not without controversy. Some publishers and scholars criticized the list and its criteria, arguing that it unfairly targeted certain journals and publishers.
  • In 2017, Beall removed the list from the internet, citing pressure and threats of legal action. Despite its removal, archived versions of the list continue to be referenced by academics and researchers seeking guidance on reputable publishing.


  • Despite the controversies surrounding his work, Jeffrey Beall's contributions have had a lasting impact on scholarly publishing. His efforts have led to greater scrutiny of open-access journals and have fostered a more discerning approach among researchers when choosing where to publish.
  • Beall’s legacy remains as a key figure in the ongoing conversation about quality and integrity in academic publishing.

This version is organized into sections, making it easier to follow the narrative of Beall's work, the purpose and impact of Beall's List, and the lasting effects of his contributions.


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